15 October 2008

the three apostles discover the holy land

Each person in the group was given their own disposable camera at the beginning of the trip. Our first assignment is to create some kind of artistic response based on or inspired by the photos we took. Mine is titled the three apostles discover the holy land. It's a collage of the photos I took in a found frame and mounted on the bottom section of a fruit crate that I salvaged from the market in the Campo. My favorite part is the crazy perspectives and angles created by the many different photos.

The darkroom is almost set up. We're able to develop film, but we need one more table before we can start processing prints.


ella ordona said...

did you draw on the frame or was it found like that?

benjamin said...

drew on it...hella tichy style.

Sam said...

your shit's crazy dude.
keep it the hell up, and let's hang some time.