11 October 2008

i bet you wish you knew what time it was...

Today has been a most amazing day of adventure. I just got back from seeing The Cure...FOR FREE...at San Giovanni. What an incredible show. Definitely up there with Radiohead for the best concert of my life.

Also, today a group of us went to Lido di Ostia and swam a bit in the Mediterranean. It's much warmer than the Sound and even Lake Washington.

I certainly miss many amenities from back in the states; like drip coffee. I've had so much espresso that I'm not sure if regular drip will be able to sustain me upon my return.

Hopfully I will be able to post some analogue work as soon as we can set up our darkroom on Moday. It's going to be in a single bathroom in the Rome Center at school: hella college. I'll post some pictures of my loft tomorrow.

For now, my feets are achin'...achin' for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous! But at the same time SO SO very happy that you get this experience! I will live vicariously through you with this blog and pictures! It's your task to keep me up to date with how WE are doing in ROME (yes we...remember the vicariously part!). I miss ya kid!

-Vanessa (your old wife)