08 October 2008


Greetings, finally, from Roma. We just finished getting settled into our apartments in the city after a few frantic travel days in the northern section of Italy (read UMBRIA). All nine of the guys in the SAPR are grouped into a single apartment in the Campo de' Fiori, overlooking the statue of Giordano Bruno. He was burned at the stake on the very spot (something about claiming that the earth was not the center of the universe).

My bed is lofted above my roommate's along with my shelves; it's like my own private room within the larger one, which has its own balcony as well.

So far, we haven't gotten a chance to create any art, but I have had plenty of pizza, pasta and wine. It's a very warm society (like the climate), but it does take some getting used to in order to integrate myself better. Not knowing any Italian makes explanations very confusing on the street. I wish everyone was as good as Ze Frank when it comes to explaining the intricacies of anything.


Anonymous said...

"My name is Squiggles...Squiggles EatABagOfDicks. It's Prussian."

Brilliant. We're all quite jealous of the fact that you are in Roma with the mission to create beautiful, beautiful art. But if anyone can go to Rome and not return wearing hipster, European clothes, and saying: "Oooooh yeeeees. I just spent a qUAHter in ROOOOOOOOOOMA." It's probably you. We miss you greatly, eat a big bowl of pasta and drink far too much red wine than is advised by a physician.


ella ordona said...

what she said.

rome looks beautiful, kid.