11 January 2010


the other the other the other.

my life, it seems, is a series of gains and losses. it's about exclusion and boundaries; grasping at ideas which float above our heads, and then smashing them together to see if something is produced. like the children of the sun, the moon and the earth, we are all searching for a reflection in other people. something wordless and pure-that missing piece that will strip the layers away and unbreak our broken thoughts. sometimes it takes me by surprise how little i share about myself with others. i want to scream, "i'm just as broken as you are! can't you see? just get over yourself and maybe we can just be." but life doesn't work like that. you have to justify everything and even nothing. what kind of world is this where one must clarify every thought and emotion...these things were not made for words to describe.

words best to color our actions, like ellipses...

1 comment:

face said...

I feel what you say here.